Implementation of Machine learning model in Docker container
Task 01 👨🏻💻
Task Description 📄
👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container
👉 In Container you need to copy/create machine learning model
Step 1
👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
For pull container image we write command :
“docker pull centos” #by default take latest version
For Run container we use command:
“docker run -it <name_of_container>”
and we can take container name as we want for these we use command:
“docker run -it — name <choice_name> <original_name>”

Step 2
👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container
We have to install python3 in our container
so we use the command:
“yum install python3”

We also need of some other packages and library to perform machine learning model like
1. sklearn pandas

Now we copy our dataset(.csv) file into docker container from the base OS(linux) .we use command:
docker cp <name of dataset with full path> <image ID>: <path where to paste>

Now we can check our dataset file is in our container

We need to install vim for writing python code
so we use command:
“yum install vim”

Now our all system is setup we just write a python code of implement machine learning model .In this code we use linear Regression model

In python code ,we created a model and we split our data also in train and test data .now in last we print our model’s coefficient value and we also predict the output at input(x=2.5)

so that’s all.
This is how we can simply apply machine learning predictions inside a docker container.